CAHill TECH Blog

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What ACCE Certification Means for Academy Participants and Employers

What ACCE Certification Means for Academy Participants and Employers

We're incredibly proud to announce that our aQuiRe Construction Academy Training Program has been officially certified b...

aQuiRe Construction Academy's Inaugural Graduates Hitting the Workforce with Confidence

aQuiRe Construction Academy's Inaugural Graduates Hitting the Workforce with Confidence

On May 4th, CAHill celebrated yet another milestone as 62 aspiring workers graduated from the inaugural class of the aQu...

5 Tips for New Hire Digital Construction Training

5 Tips for New Hire Digital Construction Training

5 tips for effectively managing digital learning programs in construction companies. How to get your team up to speed on...

How to Put Together a Construction Safety Training Course

How to Put Together a Construction Safety Training Course

What to know about your construction safety training course & the first steps to enhancing construction safety. Tips for...

Tribal knowledge is a terrible thing to lose

Tribal knowledge is a terrible thing to lose

Discover why Tribal knowledge is important. Veteran employees have decades worth of valuable information and hands-on ex...

We've got a

We've got a "Haunch" you are going to want to read this...

Discover how with aQuiRe app your employees have access to the Haunches training video. Get a clear explanation on the m...

How to help construction leaders do their jobs better

How to help construction leaders do their jobs better

Understand how aQuiRe app can streamline construction leader readiness and help ensure workers get the information they...